If only motivation was a thing you could just buy, 'a week of motivation please shopkeeper'.
An unrealistic expectation due to the fact that not only is motivation already in all of us, it is not the responsibility of anyone else to motivate us.
Of course we can feel motivated by someone, yet unless we put the work in ourselves, the feeling will simply pass by as we sink back into our seat.
So where is your motivation hiding? Could it be that you are not enjoying the thing you are trying to be motivated about?
Possibly, yet before you quit understand this.
It takes action to create motivation. That motivation then creates further action and on the cycle goes.
You my never feel motivated to start something, even if it is something that you love or really want. If you are waiting until you feel motivated to start, you could be waiting for a very long time.
Note: There is a reason behind your unwillingness to take action that needs to be explored. Fear of failure, not feeling competent enough, fear of judgement, it could be any number of things. Finding the reason behind the behaviour is key.
Start. Take action and your motivation will follow.
what creates motivation.
Action creates motivation. Then motivation creates further action, though only after the initial first step of action.
You my never feel motivated to start something, even if it is something that you love or really want. If you are waiting until you feel motivated to start, you could be waiting for a very long time.
Start. Take action and you motivation will follow.